"Blogs are conversations; bloggers don't publish in a vacuum. Bloggers are speaking to an audience that talks back---that responds and shares ideas and eventually begins to coalesce into an identifiable group." ---David Kline
Open Bias
"No wonder, then, that the public has become thirsty for real information---news unfiltered by editors..., facts boldy stated and supported, and unvarnished opinion openly expressed for all to see and judge." ---David Kline
Reverse Bias
"Blogs help break through the anonymity and isolation of modern life. They give people a voice and a forum with which to speak truth to power...And although blogs certainly won't give rise to a million new citizen Shakespeares, they do enable talented but heretofore unacknowledge people with something to say to find an audience---and thereby pluck from the indifference of daily life a bit of validation fro themselves, their ideas, and their creative abilities." ---David Kline and Dan Burstein
"In one sense, then, blogs are simply a continuation of a phenomenon that, at least in the form of oral storytelling, reaches back to antiquity. But in terms of its enormous scale, scope, and cultural impact, nothing in history compares to today's explosion of citizen-created media." ---David Kline and Dan Burstein
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